Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I'm not so much a geek, nerd, fanboy or otaku or anything so specific. I'd probably have to categorize myself, if I was forced to, as more of a dork (if I was being disparaging) or just a normal person with an unhealthy interest in pop culture (if I was trying to get a job at a comic book store).

In other words, I can't commit to loving any one thing so ferociously that I have to know all about it, collect everything I find on the subject, or even really discuss it much with anyone. I envy those who can and do. But I remain on the fringe of you all I guess, people of the world. Too much of a child to grow up and get rid of my toys, comics, games, etc., too much of a dork to do anything but keep on jumping from one interest to another.

(photo unrelated)

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