Thursday, September 2, 2010

Leave Kate Moss alone!

Just a small point about culture of celebrity. Yes, we love them. Yes, we hate them. But do we really need to pay these fool paparazzi to hunt them and their poor effing kids? C'mon, this is ridiculous. Who out there cares this much about Kate Moss, Angelina Jolie, Mel Gibson or whoever? I don't know anyone who even pays attention to this world.

And, whoever you are who brings us this travesty you ought to have your rights revoked. The fact that you splash your logo all over this tripe just tells me you're way too proud of yourselves. I mean, the zoom on Kate's tattoo really says it all. You're trash.

I submit that even without the "we're just doing our job" scumbag paparazzi we'd have all the photos we'd ever need of any celebrity from random folks on the street to their managers/agents. For free. And the strobing? That makes me want to just rampage.

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