Saturday, September 4, 2010

Marx Prehistoric Playset dinosaur love

If you're like me and were lucky enough to have been given an awesome sets of dinos, you probably are also like me in that you regret that someone, someone probably very close to you, someone you will probably never forgive, unwittingly gave them away. Or worse.

Now that I have kids of my own, I want to make sure they get to experience the same bliss I did when I opened this one Christmas morning.

 And found this inside.

Looking at this beautifully sculpted set I am crestfallen. Heartbroken that I now longer have this. If anything thus far in my life has inspired me to build that time machine I've been talking about this is it. "Stop Grandma, I will want those when I'm old, well...old-er".  Then I'll probably have to risk it all to slap my 20-something-ish (and then my 30-something-ish) self around to stop myself from throwing them away when consolidating for a move, or because a hot girl is coming over. I mean we all know how risky time travel what with the whole spacetime-continuum paradox thingy, but believe me it's wayyyy worth it. This set is awesome! It even has temporal incongruities like cavemen.

Well, these guys [ ] know all time travel and spacetime and things like that, and if they don't they do sure know a lot about dinosaurs and toy dinosaurs. They've practically made a science out of toy dinosaur hunting that would be the envy of some paleontologists (which is funny when you know how many of the Marx Dinosaurs have actually been dug up from the ground by some of these guys).And if you don't have any luck time traveling to get back your old set (like I intend to do) these guys [ ] can probably help you out. They've got tons of good stuff on all types of collectibles on their site.

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