Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Martin Millar's Curse of the Wolf Girl

Martin Millar's Curse of the Wolf Girl is turning out to be as good of a read as Lonely Werewolf Girl - which try as I might I cannot get any of my friends to pick up. I don't know if they think the genre is just played-out, or if they don't trust my judgment, or if they just don't like books. But so far, I'm the only one I know who has read them and that's troubling because if we don't support great authors, well, the terrorists have won haven't they?

What makes them so great? A strong female protagonist in Kalix the "wolf girl", an incredibly rich environment, a wealth of fantastic otherworldly figures - possibly created purely from the mind of the author, a multi-layered storyline, and the author's exceptional knack for dialog.

I can't get enough of Kalix, really. She's young, scruffy, angry, melancholy, and utterly savage in a fight. She's an unrepentant killer too, but you can't fault her for it she's a fucking werewolf! Have I said too much?

And the other characters are just as distinctive. From Kalix's all-too-average flatmates, to various volatile royalty of the supernatural realm, to the family members who either want to kill her for her transgressions or are inexplicably drawn to her...the entire cast is unique and memorable.

I'm also sitting on copies of The Good Fairies of New York and Suzy, Led Zeppelin, and Me which I plan on reading after I finish Curse of Wolf Girl.

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