Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why would you do that?

I logged in today just because it's been so long since my computer crashed and I haven't been back in forever. So, tooling around (haha, relevant pun), I noticed a "Stats" feature which I've never seen before. I followed it and found out that since I've logged on today I've been getting crazy hits (Crazy for me is in the 10s-20s-30s). I looked closer and it seems I've been linked to some p*nis enlarging site due to the word p*nis I used to describe the business end of the internet. Why they linked to me I have no idea but Welcome p*nis fans from around the world! I don't talk about anything remotely genital oriented in my blog unless it's as a descriptor for someone or something that's getting on my nerves. So...yeah...welcome. You'll get nothing to enl*rge your p*nis here. Not even a blurry d*ck photo. Sorry.

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