Thursday, March 12, 2009

Construction phase

This is what the house looked like about 8 months ago. God forbid you ever have to go through this headache.


  1. i remember that red barn! i was a student at the heritage school for 6 years. it use to contain mr whitneys mercedes, wes thollander's "woodie" wagon and misc lawn mowers, etc... to take care of the upper and lower fields (when they had lawn. i know the lower field is now a vineyard). wow......what a blast from the past! that structure brings back A LOT of memories! (i use to mow the fields)

  2. That's awesome! I didn't think I'd ever run into anyone who had even heard of Heritage let alone went there. A rich couple from SF bought the portion of property with the lake and buildings and turned it into their own little vineyard. I tried to visit there two years ago just to see what was left of it all but they wouldn't let me even drive through. I haven't given up though.

  3. i tried to go visit back about 11-12 years ago and same thing.............couldnt get past the gate. i know quite abit about the history of that buildings that are up there because i went there for as long as i did, etc..... i do know that the main building was burned down by a couple of students a few years after i had left. it pretty much cripled the school. the main building had the kitchen, study hall, a few classrooms, the gym, etc..... so when it burnt down it was a major set back. the whitney's ran and owned the school and i have to say that they where good people. i always looked up to mr whitney. when i went there, the "house" (converted to two class-rooms) that was at the top of the steps on the right was about 100 years old and if i remember right, it was a house that was transported up from calistoga. if you look at the picture of the red barn, you can barely see another building just past it on the left. that building was the shop (it was a really nice set up!)that was built by wes (the head of maintenence). just past the shop on the right is a house that wes and his wife lived in. just curious......did you go to the heritage school? if so, when where you there. if not, how do you know about the school?

  4. Yes, I went there back in '74 and '75. I think, right when they installed the pool. It was a pretty formative experience. Rattlesnakes, vineyards, a few borderline insane kids, pot busts, horseback riding, archery, buckeye fights, obsidian arrowheads in the fields, the pond, the geese, the hill, wind-sprints, running...lots and lots of running. When did you go?

    Sad about the fire. I remember that building pretty vividly, including the giant board on the wall with the all washers. In fact, funny story, I accidentally started a fire in that same building, in the tv room. Firetrucks and everything...not good, it easily could have burned the place down. Thankfully it didn't.

    I sure wish someone had thought to take pictures of Heritage. I might have a few snapshots, I'll post them when I come across them.

  5. i went there from 81-87(at the time that i left i was the 3rd kid to ever be there long enough to graduate from that school). when i was there they had the lower field but didnt have the upper field planted with grass till the end of my first year. do you remember doug and brian moore? (mr whitneys step sons?) brought back some memories! i remember the running and expecially "the orchard sprints" (up the hill). where you there when charlie white went there? he was a councler the first year i was there. we didnt have horse back riding or archery while i was there but i do remember playing capture the flag all over the area behind the main dorm and above the whitneys house. it was a lot of fun. i do have some fond memories of that place! here's the name of a storey or two that you might remember that where handed down over the years though students that might make you laugh..........."the mug-womper" or "the painters cabin" storeys. did you guys have "the honors system" when you went there?

  6. What a great blog, Do these names mean anything to anybody? It would be great to hear from anybody from the apartments to the pit. Ron Whitney, Doug Maxfield, Chris Tucker, David Bennett, Mike Ostrow, Mike Williams, Dominic Hall, the Young twins. Chris Ansley, Tim Abney, Brian Wertz, John LeFebre, Rodney Seib, Rick Benavides, Jerry Jackson, Carol Hill, Matt Johnson, Gary Coppock, Jim McCleary, Dan Rasmussen, Anthony Pimm, Charles White, Rich Greco, Jerry Morrow, Brian Walker, Shane De La Cruz, Paul Cavanaro, Chris Bronson, Jim Hench, Jeff Hurst, James Cox, Susan Sloan, Henry Work, Wes Thollander, Gary Keller, Pat McCauley, Brian Gore, Vincent Delvechio, Doug Murphy, Kevin Conway, Kim Cornel, Alex Chilton, Dave Milsha, Andrew Silverman, Bruce Barber, Mr. Mathews, Mr. James, Ali Eslemelia, Mark Roberts, Brian Cole, Jim Curry. I apologize for leaving out names and for misspelling any. I would love to see more names added to this list as well as any comments about our school.

    1. I've been absent a long time. Sorry. I'm sure it does no good to answer this now, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

      Wow, these names! I remember most all of them. If you happen to ever see this you have to tell me how in the world you remembered them all. Do you have anything else related tot he place? I'd love to post photos and/or any memorabilia from the place.
